My name is Guilherme Alexander and I make music for films, animations, games, media channels, commercial, as well as writing "stand-alone" music.
Here are some examples of projects I've made music for:
Soundtrack for games from gamejams, like 52 Moons (Extra Credits Jam #3), Stalemate (LM0B Beginners Game Jam #16);
Scoring for media Spitfite Competition (Westworld), Rotas, Ruas e Rumos (13ª BIAsp);
And my EPs of original compositions Unknown, Voyager, Lost Technology, Ivan's Childhood Revamped;
Here's a list of demo songs on Newgrounds:
13ª BIAsp (Original Soundtrack)
Unknown (Original Compositions)
Spitfire Competition - Westworld (Original Soundtrack)
But all are available on my streaming and social media platforms. If you like me to make music specifically for your projects, please let me know.